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Invest in Silkeborg

Silkeborg Municipality is located in central Jutland near Aarhus, in some of Denmark’s most beautiful countrysides. On this site you can find information about Silkeborg, setting up a business and business potentials in Silkeborg Municipality.

Meet the Business Task Force

The Business Task Force is your entrance to Silkeborg Municipality, if: 

  •  You want to set up a business in Silkeborg Municipality
  • You want to move your business 
  • You want to expand your business
  • You want to buy commercial soil
  • You have a complex case which requires the involvement of several departments in Silkeborg Municipality
  • You are unsure about who to contact

No matter what your inquiry is about, we do our best to ensure a quick and professional service.

Silkeborg is one of the fastest growing municipalities in Denmark. According to an analysis performed by Dansk Erhverv (Danish Chamber of Commerce), Silkeborg Municipality will have increased the workforce by 7,100 in 2040.

About Silkeborg Municipality:

Silkeborg is surrounded by luxuriant forests, soaring hills and impressive lakes – and known as the Outdoor Capital of Denmark. Your company has great potential resources in Silkeborg Municipality - as well as great leasure time activitie



All companies must have a NemKonto. NemKonto is the common public payment system. All payments from the government will be transferred to the company NemKonto. This means that your business must have a NemKonto to receive for example excess VAT and per diem reimbursement.

Read more on the NemKonto website

Digital post

On your Digital Post you receive mails from the public authorities. All companies and organizations with a VAT number are not mandatory for Digital Post for businesses. Private limited companies, partnerships, corporations, foundations, associations and foreign companies with a Danish company registration number, sole proprietorships and volunteer associations are covered by Digital Post.

The solution means that your company can log on Digital Post both and and thus access all your mails in one place.

Read more about Digital Post on 

The Danish Labour Market Mode, trade unions and collective agreements

The Danish labour market is characterized by the flexicurity model and a high degree of job mobility. The trade unions play a pivotal role in the Danish labour market, and there is a high level of union membership among Danish workers.

Visit to read about the Danish Labour Market Mode, trade unions and collective agreements

Language school – Learn Danish

Even though Danes generally speak English well, you may well benefit from learning the Danish language as a resident in Denmark.

The municipal council offers Danish classes to adult foreign national living in the municipality, who are registered at the public registration office. The offer is for Danish classes for up to three years from the time, when the participant becomes eligible to start Danish classes - provided, however, that the person continues to have a valid residence permit.

Read more about Danish language training at

Meet the local language school UCPlus 

MitID Erhvev (MitID Business)

MitID is the official digital ID in Denmark. MitID Erhverv is used by business and associations to access digital self-service solutions, for instance to check their Digital Post, report VAT, and more.

Read more about MitID Business 

Rules for establishing a business in Denmark provides a guide to establishing a business in Denmark: From business registration, application for VAT registration, paying TAX, over mandatory self-service to rules for working environment, social security and workers compensation.

Read more at 

Working environment

When establishing a company in Denmark you will have to follow Danish rules on working environment in the workplace. The Danish Working Environment Authority (WEA) is responsible for instance inspecting the working environment in Denmark.

Visit The Danish Working Environment Authority

Business in Denmark

Business in Denmark is a public service providing information to foreign service providers from other EU and EEA countries on the relevant rules and registrations in Denmark.

The website of Business in Denmark 

Danish Business Authority

The Danish Business Authority endeavours to create the best conditions for growth in Europe, and to make it easy and attractive to run a business in Denmark.

The website of Danish Business Authority

Danish Competition and Consumer Authority 

A government agency under the Danish Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs working for well-functioning markets, growth and comsumer welfare.

The website of Danish Competition and Consumer Authority 

Danish Financial Supervisory Authority

The primary tasks of the Danish FSA is supervision of financial undertakings.

The website of the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority 

Danish Maritime Authority

They work to create safety at sea and growth in the maritime industries in Denmark.

The website of the Danish Maritime Authority

Danish Patent and Trademark Office

The Danish Patent and Trademark Office is part of the Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs (DKPTO). 

The website of Danish Patent and Trademark Office

Danish Safety Technology Authority

They create safety for business and consumers with focus is on the safety technological aspects relevant to fires, accidents and explosions. 

The website Danish Safety Technology Authority 

Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs

The Ministry of Business and Growth seeks to improve the conditions for growth in Denmark. 

The website of the Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs

Virk – Official business self-service (English Version)

Virk is an official business internet portal that provides an entrance to the public sector. This English version has a CVR function (Central Business Register), where you can search businesses and find their CVR numbers, addresses, business type, etc. Navigation and headings are in English, but a lot of Danish content will occur. Some functions require that you are logged in using MitID. 

The website of Virk (opens in English) 

Virk – Official business self-service (Danish Version)

Virk gives you joint access to all online self-service across the public sector. The page is mainly in Danish. The English version has a CVR function (Central Business Register), where you can search businesses and find their CVR numbers, addresses, business type, etc. 

The website of Virk (opens in Danish) 

Danish Labour Market Authority

The Danish Agency for Labour Market and Recruitment (STAR) is responsible for implementing and following up on employment policy in Denmark, including recruitment of necessary foreign labour. 

The website of the Danish Labour Market Authority 

The official Denmark website

The website tells you the story about Denmark. It provides information to those planning to visit, invest in, study in or work in Denmark. 

The website of Denmark

Invest in Denmark

Invest in Denmark is part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. The organisation is your free and confidential gateway to setting up a business in Denmark – from entry to further expansion.

The website of Invest in Denmark


Jobnet is the public jobcentres website for all jobseekers and employers in Denmark.

The website of Jobnet

Life in Denmark

The website contains the official guide to life in Denmark before moving, when arriving and if leaving – and whether you are here to work or study. It covers topics such as housing and moving, healthcare, rights, leisure and networking – and many more.

The website of Life in Denmark

New to Denmark is the Danish Immigration Service and the Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration’s official web portal about the rules for entering and residing in Denmark.

The website of New to Denmark

Start-up Denmark

Startup Denmark is a visa scheme by the Danish Government to allow talented entrepreneurs to grow high-impact startups or branches in Denmark.

The website of Start-up Denmark 

Work in Denmark

On the Work in Denmark website you can set up a profile and post your CV so that it is visible to Danish employers in your field. You can also search among the many job listings from employers seeking foreign workers.

The website of Work in Denmark

Business Task Force
Head of Development Gregers Pilgaard Søvej 1, 8600 Silkeborg
Chamber of Commerce
Torvet 2a, 1st floor 8600 Silkeborg
Town Hall and Citizen Services
Søvej 1 8600 Silkeborg

Silkeborg Kommune
Søvej 1
8600 Silkeborg

CVR: 29189641
